Cooperative member benefits

2023 Special Focus - Cooperative member benefits

The World Cooperative Monitor team works closely with the International Cooperative Entrepreneurship Think Tank (ICETT), a group of large coopera­tives engaged with the ICA in the study and deepening of various issues related to the cooperative world. A collaboration has begun to integrate cooperative issues of the moment with the WCM to stimulate strategic action through best practice sharing amongst ICETT members, the top 300 cooperatives and mutuals and the wider cooperative movement.

Besides the economic and employment data of the Top 300 cooperatives and mutuals at the global level, the WCM 2023 edition features a chapter focused on how large cooperatives and mutuals convey their identity as cooperative or mutual and how they inform the public online about the member benefits to enlarge their social base. They employ diverse elements, including direct statements, historical narratives, structures, business practices and descriptions of their cooperative nature. Additionally, they highlight various member benefits, both tangible and intangible, which vary according to the specific type of cooperative.

Recent analysis has focused on digitalisation,  the SDGs and the response to Covid-19.